In order to avoid having to authenticate each time I want to push to github I decided to set up a get credential helper that parses an encrypted credential file. The steps were:

  1. Create a personal access token in github
  2. Add the following in ~/.gitauth protocol=https username=<user> password=<token> protocol=https username=<user> password=<token>
  3. Generate a gpg key

    gpg --gen-key
    • Initially I got the following error: “gpg: agent_genkey failed: No pinentry”. pinentry is just a symlink that points to one of the many pinentry binaries depending on the type you want to use. I’m running a headless server and the default pinentry expects a gui. To fix this I changed the pinentry symlink to point to pinentry-curses. I’m sure there’s a better way to do this but the few options I came across didn’t seem to work.
  4. Encrypt your gitauth file

    gpg -e -r ~/.gitauth
  5. You should know have ~/.gitauth.gpg and can remove the original ~/.gitauth
  6. Set up the credential helper. Copy the following to ~/viking66/bin/git-credential-helper and make it executable:

    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    HOST=$(echo $TARGET | grep -Po 'host=[^ ]+')
    PROTOCOL=$(echo $TARGET | grep -Po 'protocol=[^ ]+')
    AUTH=$(gpg -q --decrypt $CREDENTIAL_FILE | grep "$HOST" | grep "$PROTOCOL")
    echo "$(echo $AUTH | grep -Po 'username=[^ ]+')"
    echo "$(echo $AUTH | grep -Po 'password=[^ ]+')"
  7. Update git config to use the credential helper:

    git config --global credential.helper "/home/viking66/bin/git-credential-helper ~/.gitauth.gpg"
  8. Add the following to your .bashrc otherwise the gpg decrypt will not prompt for password and will fail:

    export GPG_TTY
  9. Now when you push to github, your credential helper should kick in and eliminate the need to provide your username and password.